Using Social Media to Promote Holiday Campaigns

HAPPY LABOR DAY TO EVERYONE!!!  But what does Labor Day actually mean? This day occurs every first Monday in September, and is meant to recognize the American workers’ contributions to the United States economy.  For most of us…it is sale time and the end of summer.  You can build content around these themes to help transition readers or customers into a new season.   Using holidays, as a theme around your campaign or social media content is a great idea for large or small … [Read more...]

How One Caterpillar Dealer Conquered Social Media

We would like to boast a little about our client, Carter Machinery, a Cat dealer located in Virginia. We have been working with Carter since their initial entrance into social media several years ago. During that time, the Social Buzz Lab has worked closely with the entire Marketing Department at Carter to successfully build their presence on all of the major platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube.  This digital presence has enabled Carter Machinery to interact … [Read more...]

Client Spotlight – Savvy Dad

The best aspect of working in marketing and social media are the incredible clients you meet and work with.  Phoenix, Arizona based Savvy Dad personifies this to its fullest extent.  Our team met with and started a complete marketing and branding strategy with Greg Hague, founder of Savvy Dad, a short six weeks ago; and as the saying goes, "it's been quite a ride!" How Do We Serve Long Distance Clients You may be asking yourself, "what can The Social Buzz Lab do for an Arizona based website … [Read more...]

12 Month Plan to Social Media Success [Infographic]

Are you struggling with your social media plan? Have you found that it takes more time and resources than you can allocate? Intuit has come up with a very useful infographic marketing tool to help small businesses get a handle on their social media strategy. This social media road map to social success includes a monthly plan broken down into 4 segments or quarters. 1st quarter measure your social media inventory 2nd quarter work on strengthening the relationships 3rd quarter integrate … [Read more...]

You’re Freakin’ Kidding Me… You’re Not on Google+?

Google+ for Business

We've been actively creating Google+ business pages for our clients since Google released pages for businesses.  When I'm asked to describe Google+ I often refer to it as Facebook without all of the drama. Many marketers have left Facebook for Google+.  We've even heard debates from those who have questioned if Google+ would make it or if Facebook would eventually win the battle.   As Forbes author  Anthony Kosner wrote, Watch out Facebook, Google, Inc. could catch up. Data collected … [Read more...]

Self Promotion is a Social Turn Off

Self promotion, it's all about ME.

Self Promotion makes me sick! Doesn't it you? If you will indulge me just a bit, this post is going to be a combination of ranting against something that irritates me along with thoughts and action steps on how to "not be that person." Because let's face it, no one wants to be that person! Social isn't about self promotion. We've all seen them in our social media world and in our own lives;  people that constantly talk about themselves.  I am not talking about people that Tweet what they had … [Read more...]

Social Media – A Look Back in History [INFOGRAPHIC]

Many years have passed since the first email was created but that was actually the first significant step towards a change in our society and the way we communicate.  Copyblogger has come up with a look back in history showing a graphical timeline of how we have moved from that first email to where we now socially connect, communicate and collaborate with one another worldwide. Looking at this infographic showing the history of social media, I realize that I was a very early adopter.  I … [Read more...]

3 Reasons to Schedule Facebook Posts

Schedule Facebook Posts by Social Buzz Lab

Are you struggling to share content on your Facebook page consistently?  Have you heard that using third party apps to schedule a post to go out at the best time to reach your market can be detrimental to your engagement success? You can now breath a sigh of relief.  Facebook has rolled out a schedule feature for page admins to queue posts. It may seem a little awkward at first but it does the job nicely. 3 Reasons to Use Facebook Scheduled Posts Strategic Planning – With the ability to … [Read more...]

8 Easily Corrected Social Media Blunders

Social Media can be a real asset to marketing your brand but you can also miss some fantastic opportunities to capitalize on the full potential of social media marketing by making some common blunders. John Lusher shared the 11 Things NOT To Do on Social Media. This post will cover solutions to some common mistakes people overlook when planning the steps to their social marketing strategy. How to Correct 8 Common Blunders of Social Media The first visual image most people will see is … [Read more...]