8 Easily Corrected Social Media Blunders

Social Media can be a real asset to marketing your brand but you can also miss some fantastic opportunities to capitalize on the full potential of social media marketing by making some common blunders. John Lusher shared the 11 Things NOT To Do on Social Media. This post will cover solutions to some common mistakes people overlook when planning the steps to their social marketing strategy. How to Correct 8 Common Blunders of Social Media The first visual image most people will see is … [Read more...]

Everything You Need to Know About Pinterest [9 Infographics]

There's no denying that there is a new kid on the social media block and her name is Pinterest and she is creating a big BUZZ.  Pinterest is a virtual bulletin board that originally appealed to mostly woman but has now been grasped by businesses and savvy marketers.  Similar to the new visual direction of Facebook's timeline, Pinterest is also visual. I am a huge fan of infographics, in fact, follow me on Pinterest to see my board on Fantastic Infographics.  There are some great infographics … [Read more...]

Converting to Facebook Timeline Brand Page

Just as rantings about Facebook changing user's personal profiles have died down, now we have New Facebook Pages!  That's right, the Facebook Business Pages we have all grown to love is about to get a facelift!  If you are an administrator of a Facebook Page, you may have the option to make the switch now or you soon will.  All pages will automatically convert to the new format on March 30th.  The rumor was that the new page design would debut by the end of February, but like with most Facebook … [Read more...]

How Chiropractors Can Leverage Social Media

Recently I was asked to speak to a group of Chiropractors about using social media for their practice. Each time I speak to a niche group, I research to find out how the industry is using social media so I can provide real examples of uses. I found some Chiropractors and Wellness Centers that are using Facebook and Twitter. Most are not consistent with their posts and very little engagement, but they are taking small steps. I also found there were a lot of videos on Youtube and a few blogs … [Read more...]

Facebook Page Browser Video Tutorial Plus 11 Additional Tips

There have been an ever increasing number of Facebook Business pages popping up. Many companies have outsourced their social media while a great number are managing their own content and startegies. I recently wrote a guest post on Handshake 2.0 about the 10 Things You Should Know Facebook Business Pages.  After writing that post I thought of another tool that Facebook released nearly a year ago and most users just don't know about it.  The best way I could think of to describe this feature and … [Read more...]

Three Reasons to Take Twitter Seriously

Twitter is one of the most mis-understood social networking platforms. Most people find it complicated and hard to grasp and understand.  How can you sell a product using 140 characters? Why does anyone care what you had for breakfast? Who wants to bothered with text messages from people you don't know? What value could you possibly gain from 140 characters? As an early adopter of social media, I have been using  twitter since 2007. Did I understand the value of  those early 140 character … [Read more...]

Gary Vaynerchuk and a Cultural Shift

Even though a few weeks have passed since Gary Vaynerchuk was at Virginia Tech, it amazes me how often I still think about his presentation and recall one of his memorable nuggets.  I'm thankful for the opportunity I had to see him and I applaud the tenacity of Virginia Tech Professor John Boyer and all of the efforts he used to bring GaryVee to Burris Hall on April 27. We filled a truck load of social media enthusiasts from Roanoke and headed to Blacksburg. Gary was everything we expected … [Read more...]

Hell Hath No Fury as a Driven Woman with Technology

Judy Mick

I have created some wonderful relationships as a result of our Roanoke  Meetup 2.0 Networking Group.  We talk about social media and share tips and strategies to help each other.  About a year ago I met Judy Mick, blogger, entrepreneur, author and an avid runner.  She still ceases to amaze me with her drive and commitment.  We laugh because we are both crazy over technology and every time something new comes out it's a game to see who gets it first.  Judy usually wins and that's why I asked her … [Read more...]

How to Build Your Alliance Online and Offline

build an alliance

Every morning I login to Facebook, not to see my profile but, to see how many comments my friend John Lusher has received on his morning status update.  John has a large network of friends, who like me, look forward to his engaging, positive and sometimes humorous morning post. It is my pleasure to have John Lusher of John Lusher Consulting, as a guest blogger. He shares how to build a strong alliance. Build Your Alliance I believe most of us have confidence and faith in our own abilities.  We … [Read more...]

4 Reasons to Feature Facebook Page Owners

The recent upgrade to Facebook pages has provided opportunities for companies to strengthen their brand. Unfortunately most have not taken advantage of one of the coolest new features... the opportunity to identify the person behind the page. Stop Hiding Behind Your Logo Successful social media strategies include having a transparent  presence. What does being transparent mean?  Of course being authentic and honest is extremely important but also knowing “who”(page administrator) instead of … [Read more...]