What Are You Doing Today to Build Your Personal Brand?

I have a question for you: do you purchase Air Jordan shoes because of the brand, Nike, or do you purchase the shoes because of the athlete, Michale Jordan. Of course we all know the answer; we purchase the shoes because of Michael Jordan.  People, for the most part, make purchasing decisions based on personal brands, such as Jordan, versus just the brand, such as Nike. Brands can and many successfully do build a culture that people want to be part of; think Apple. But at the end of the … [Read more...]

3 Emerging Social Trends to Build Your Audience

It’s 2021. Has your marketing woken up to the new year yet? We’re specifically talking about your social media marketing. The social media landscape has developed rapidly over the past decade, and the Coronavirus didn’t slow down that progress. In fact, in some ways, it accelerated the growth of existing channels and features.  These days, interactive content is king. That includes both video and audio content. These mediums captivate your audience in ways that text cannot. Excitement, … [Read more...]

How to Use Instagram Stories for Lead Gen and Conversions

This is a guest post by Aljaz Fajmut founder of Nightwatch There are many ways to drive more leads to your site and bag more conversions, and one that’s especially hot at the minute is Instagram stories. In a nutshell, Instagram stories let users post pics and videos to their profile — but there’s a catch. After 24 hours, they vanish forever. It’s a lot like Snapchat, where content disappears in a similar fashion. Instagram stories have proven to be really popular, with CNN … [Read more...]

Top 25 Social Media Blog Sites You Should Be Following

Are you looking for some great social media blogs? There are so many social media blogs out there its hard to choose just a few!  In honor of Social Media Day, we are going to share with you our 25 favorite social media blogs, in no order. These are all based on content, quality, engagement, and success. Our top 25 Blog Posts to read and follow :  Simply Measured This is an impressive social media company with a lot to offer! Not only do they maintain their clients accounts, but they … [Read more...]

Top 25 Social Media Influencers You Should Follow

It's important to stay connected and in the moment in any social media platform.   Following the right people can be essential.  They can influence how you think, how you connect with others and how you and learn.  Learning from experts in your field or in business can help you achieve greater results and allows you to see different objectives while coming to your own conclusions. If you already follow these individuals, you know what we’re talking about!  If you aren’t following these … [Read more...]

Choosing the Appropriate Social Media Platform for Your Content

Developing a personal brand takes time, but social media is an essential tool that can help tremendously. We now have the ability to search with ease, have constant learning opportunities and various ways to communicate and interact with others. We have only had these tools in the last few years so lets utilize them! Many companies constantly post but do not receive the results they are looking for.  Once you know your readers, you will be able to promote not just what your company has to … [Read more...]

Client Spotlight – Savvy Dad

The best aspect of working in marketing and social media are the incredible clients you meet and work with.  Phoenix, Arizona based Savvy Dad personifies this to its fullest extent.  Our team met with and started a complete marketing and branding strategy with Greg Hague, founder of Savvy Dad, a short six weeks ago; and as the saying goes, "it's been quite a ride!" How Do We Serve Long Distance Clients You may be asking yourself, "what can The Social Buzz Lab do for an Arizona based website … [Read more...]

How Chiropractors Can Leverage Social Media

Recently I was asked to speak to a group of Chiropractors about using social media for their practice. Each time I speak to a niche group, I research to find out how the industry is using social media so I can provide real examples of uses. I found some Chiropractors and Wellness Centers that are using Facebook and Twitter. Most are not consistent with their posts and very little engagement, but they are taking small steps. I also found there were a lot of videos on Youtube and a few blogs … [Read more...]

Reflecting on Our First Year – The Birth of a Business

Time flies when you're having fun and I literally mean that. I find it hard to believe that it's been a year since the birth of  my company. My baby is celebrating it's first birthday! It seems like it was only a few months ago when I was trying to come up with the perfect name and bouncing it off of my friends and confidants. I shared many iterations of names but I was sure I had made the right choice when I came up with The Social Buzz Lab. They all agreed!  I did hours of research, applied … [Read more...]