Live streaming has really taken off in the last few years with platforms like Periscope or Meerkat and now Facebook. Facebook launched this feature in February of 2016 and has really changed the game this year with videos such as the mom with the Chewbacca mask. This video has have over 160 million views and shows how powerful Facebook Live can be when used correctly. View here for this example: https://www.facebook.com/candaceSpayne/videos/10209653193067040/ This feature is free to … [Read more...]
How to Respond to Social Media Comments
Whether you are involved in a blog post or social media platforms, comments mean that you are engaging with your fans. It is very important to start and continue that conversation. But sometimes comments can come back to bite you if you are not careful. Just because you produce some great content and get a lot of positive responses doesn’t mean you wont get some remarks that are not as optimistic. Social media is all about impressions and creating a more personal conversation between the … [Read more...]