I have created some wonderful relationships as a result of our Roanoke Meetup 2.0 Networking Group. We talk about social media and share tips and strategies to help each other. About a year ago I met Judy Mick, blogger, entrepreneur, author and an avid runner. She still ceases to amaze me with her drive and commitment. We laugh because we are both crazy over technology and every time something new comes out it's a game to see who gets it first. Judy usually wins and that's why I asked her … [Read more...]
Hell Hath No Fury as a Driven Woman with Technology
How to Build Your Alliance Online and Offline
Every morning I login to Facebook, not to see my profile but, to see how many comments my friend John Lusher has received on his morning status update. John has a large network of friends, who like me, look forward to his engaging, positive and sometimes humorous morning post. It is my pleasure to have John Lusher of John Lusher Consulting, as a guest blogger. He shares how to build a strong alliance. Build Your Alliance I believe most of us have confidence and faith in our own abilities. We … [Read more...]
Mastering the Art of Engaging to Build Relationships
Through the power of networking and social media I have met many wonderful industry professionals, each having their own twist on Social Media . This is a previously published post by Vicki Elam, Social Media Manager at Elam Virtual Office, LLC. She is the Project Manager of Positive Dynamic Women. Vicki walks the walk and talks the talk. She understands how to be engaging and is a true relationship builder. Social Media-The Art of Engaging This is one of my favorite topics on Facebook. … [Read more...]
The Secret to Get Facebook and Twitter to Play Together
If you’ve been surfing the Internet or watching TV you’ve noticed the shift in marketing. Today’s active brands are sending you to Facebook and Twitter to get their message. But, do they work well together? Do you need to use both Facebook and Twitter? Lauren Friedman with iMedia Connection describes the crucial differences in Facebook and Twitter. “On Facebook, the goal is user interaction, while on Twitter, it's all about brand evangelism, with retweets acting as the most valuable … [Read more...]
Is Your Head TOO Big to Show a Little Gratitude?
I have built a fairly large social network. Combining my contacts from all of my networks I have nearly 17000 connections! How in the world can I manage that many connections? The funny thing is, that number is probably very low compared to many key influencers who have much larger and more active networks than I do. What are your expectations? Do you expect a seasoned blogger or a Twitter Superstar to show you gratitude for re-tweet's? When you receive a thumbs up or a like on Facebook do … [Read more...]
23 Ways to Integrate Facebook and Twitter with Traditional Advertising
Facebook and Twitter have become a crucial piece of our marketing strategies. Here is an excerpt of an article I wrote that was published on Social Media Today. In this piece I have listed ways you can integrate Facebook and Twitter with your traditional marketing. Integrated Media Marketing is when you effectively integrate social media with traditional marketing. Here are 23 ideas for integrating Facebook and Twitter in PR, direct selling, customer services, advertising and sales … [Read more...]