How Chiropractors Can Leverage Social Media

Recently I was asked to speak to a group of Chiropractors about using social media for their practice. Each time I speak to a niche group, I research to find out how the industry is using social media so I can provide real examples of uses. I found some Chiropractors and Wellness Centers that are using Facebook and Twitter. Most are not consistent with their posts and very little engagement, but they are taking small steps. I also found there were a lot of videos on Youtube and a few blogs … [Read more...]

The Secret to Get Facebook and Twitter to Play Together

If you’ve been surfing the Internet or watching TV you’ve noticed the shift in marketing.  Today’s active brands are sending you to Facebook and Twitter to get their message.   But, do they work well together? Do you need to use both Facebook and Twitter? Lauren Friedman with iMedia Connection describes the crucial differences in Facebook and Twitter. “On Facebook, the goal is user interaction, while on Twitter, it's all about brand evangelism, with retweets acting as the most valuable … [Read more...]

4 Buzz Generating Tips for Your Facebook Page

Social Buzz Lab Facebook Insights

You've created a dynamite Facebook page, you've got the 25 "likes" to get a unique username and you've posted lots of good content!  Take a look at your insights and see if your page is generating any Buzz! Last week I opened a discussion tab on the Social Buzz Lab page and invited people to post links to their pages on it.  I called it  TueZday Link Buzz! You can see the spike in the page activity from the image. Post views and post feedback had a huge increase also. Thanks goes out to … [Read more...]