There have been an ever increasing number of Facebook Business pages popping up. Many companies have outsourced their social media while a great number are managing their own content and startegies. I recently wrote a guest post on Handshake 2.0 about the 10 Things You Should Know Facebook Business Pages. After writing that post I thought of another tool that Facebook released nearly a year ago and most users just don’t know about it. The best way I could think of to describe this feature and it’s benefits was to make video tutorial on how to use the Facebook Page Browser.
A Tutorial on How to Use the Facebook Page Browser
Here is a list of 11 other Facebook tips from the Handshake 2.0 article
1. Post updates and comments as your page or as your personal profile.
The default is to post as your page. To post as your profile, on your Facebook page, select Edit Page and choose Your Settings. Uncheck the Posting Preferences box. This will allow you to flip between posting as your page or as your profile. After changing this setting you can toggle your posting preference from the right column.
2. Receive notifications to your email.
Keep up with the buzz about your page. When someone posts or comments on your page you can get a notification delivered to your email inbox. To turn this feature on, check the box Email Notifications under Your Settings.
3. Change the default landing tab.
You can change the default landing tab for anyone who has NOT liked your page from the wall to any of the other tabs on the left under your profile image. I suggest you use a custom Welcome Page or your Info tab. To change the default landing tab, select Manage Permissions and choose the setting you desire under the drop down for Default Landing Tab. (Please click the image for a larger view.)
4. Edit the thumbnail of your profile picture.
Many times your business profile image thumbnail is not exactly centered like you want it. You can change your thumbnail easily by editing your page and selecting Profile Picture on the left column. At the bottom of the image you will see Edit Thumbnail. Drag the image to adjust your choice. If you want to include the entire image you need to check the box Scale to fit.
5. Feature pages that your page “Likes.”
Your page can “like” other pages. These pages are displayed on the left side of your page. You can select which of these pages you would like to feature from the Edit page. Select Featured from the left column menu and Edit Featured Likes. Add a check to the pages you want to feature. You can choose up to 5. If you choose fewer than 5 the remaining positions will rotate among the other pages you have liked.
6. Feature page owners.
You can feature page owners on the left side under the featured pages. From the Edit page, select Featured from the left column menu. You can feature any Admin by checking the box next to their image. You can also feature more than one admin.
7. Choose a unique user name.
Once you have 25 users you can select a username for your business page. To select a custom username, from Edit page select Resources and Select a Username under Connect with people. WARNING: Once selected, the user name cannot be changed so choose your name carefully and wisely.
8. Send targeted messages to your fans.
Keep your fans updated on all of your company buzz. You can send a targeted update to your fans based on location, sex or age. For example, you may have scheduled an event targeted to a certain area or demographic. With this option you can target those fans with a message. From Edit page, select Resources and Send an Update. Check the box Target this update and select the options to target your message. (Please click the image for larger view.)
9. Recommend your page to your friends.
Suggest your friends “like” your page. You can recommend your page to your friends by selecting Invite Friends on the right side of your page. Select friends based on recent interactions, locations or from your lists.
10. Remove a photo in your photo strip.
Whenever your page is tagged in a photo or you upload an image, it appears in the photo strip at the top center of your page. You can remove any image from the strip by simply mousing over the picture and clicking the “X” at the top right corner. It doesn’t permanently delete the image, only hides it from the photo strip. If you ever want to unhide an image you can do so by un-hiding ALL of the images you have hidden from the strip. From Edit select Profile Image and select Unhide All at the bottom left.
11. Link your business page to your personal profile.
You can link your business page to your personal profile as your employer. This is a great way to increase your “likes” from your friends, plus it offers an easy way to get to your business page from your profile. Edit your personal profile and select Education and Work from the left menu. Add Employer and start typing your business page name and select it from the drop down. Complete the info and Add Job. You can then remove the old unlinked position by clicking the “X” on the right.
Did you find a new tip you weren’t aware of? We would love to have you share some of your favorite tips with us! Leave them in the comment section below!
Имеется такая услуга – добровольное медицинское обслуживание .
Она предполагает, что пациент вносит небольшую сумму за абонемент и посещает врачей весь год бесплатно.
Однако соцопросы показали, что лишь 5% жителей города знают о такой программе.
Почему так происходит?
Да потому что клиникам выгоднее брать плату за каждое посещение.
А если какой-нибудь сотрудник клиники посоветует добровольное медицинское обслуживание клиенту – это сулит ему увольнением.
Эта информация уже спровоцировала множество скандалов, после того как информацию об этом рассекретил один врач.
Его уволили “по собственному желанию”, после того, как он посоветовал ДМО своему пациенту.
Самое удивительное, что информация по ДМО находились в открытом доступе, просто натыкались на эту информацию единицы.
Как отстоять свои права?
О правилах предоставления услуги и обязанностях клиник можно узнать, просто вбив в Яндекс фразу: “добровольное медицинское обслуживание”.
Именно обслуживание, а не страхование.
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