Design is How it Works!

A great man once said:  Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.  Design is how it works – Steve Jobs It is important to have a clean appealing design in all mediums that speak to many and not just one particular audience.  What we think Steve Jobs was trying to say is that - Design is all about how it Works!  Things can look pretty but it is not only how someone can look at the piece of work in all aspects.  It is how one relates to it, finds it easily, understands it and wants … [Read more...]

How to Utilize Pinterest as a Marketing Tool

Pinterest was first released in 2010 with the first pin being a photo of a cut out paper shape of a couple kissing on a bike, pinned by co-founder Ben Silbermann. After a few hiccups it didn’t take long to join Facebook and Twitter at the top of social media.  This is an app for everyone with many different topics. Pinners can share, create, repost and collect information in pictures or videos.  You can store these “Pins” on boards you create that have specific themes. It started as more of a … [Read more...]